MutaPLATE HLA-DQ2+8 (TM) PCR Assay Kit
MutaPLATE HLA-DQ2+8 TM PCR manufactured in Germany by Immundiagnostik
Size: 32 tests
Method: PCR
Sample Type: DNA (e.g.whole blood, cheek swab)
Sample Size: 200 µL
For Research Use Only
Controls Included
Scientific Background
Celiac disease (CD) / gluten intolerance (GI) is one of the most often chronic gastrointestinal diseases. The disease is characterized intolerance for gliadin fractions in wheat or analogous proteins in other cereals. The intake of gluten with food causes by patients chronic but reversible damages of the gastrointestinal mucous membrane which finally manifests histologically in villous atrophy of the small intestine. CD/ GI is genetically strong associated with the alleles DQA1*05 (=0501)/ DQB1*02 (=0201 and 0202) and DQB1*0302.
Endemic Sprue (ES) – in childhood called celiac disease (CD) – leads finally to villous atrophy as a consequence of immune-reactions against own proteins: ES is, therefore (in contrary to bacterial caused tropic sprue) an autoimmune disease developing antibodies against own body proteins (e.g. transglutaminases or the endomysium) by persons sensible for ingredients of cereals (oats in small dimension). Sensible are all persons with the inherited specificity DQ2 and/ or DQ8 of the own-/foreign- discrimination system HLA (= MHC), which is in case of ES are therefore present in superiority (> 95% of Finish, 97% of Italian and 100% of Netherland patients) and in normal healthy persons (Europe) about 25 – 40%. This is the reason why CD/ ES is one of the most (often undetected) diseases. The chronic damages of the small intestine manifest often during 6th and 18th month. The disease is and not limited exclusively to children and also extraintestinal manifestations are described.
In many patients, it is possible to measure the auto-antibodies. But the analysis of the HLA-serotype DQ2 and DQ8 determining genetic profile (mutations A1*05/ B1*02 =DQ2 and B1*0302 =DQ8) possesses much higher sensitivity. Therefore, the PCR test is used for exclusion of suspicious diagnosis for GI/ ES.
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