MutaGEL Lactase (AS) PCR Assay
MutaGEL Lactase PCR Assay manufactured in Germany by Immundiagnostik
Size: 24 Samples
Method: PCR (allele specific)
Sample Type: DNA (e.g.whole blood, cheek swab)
Sample Size: 200 µL
For Research Use Only
Controls Included
Storage and Stability
Store at ≤ -18°C. The reagents are stable in the unopened micro tubes until the expiration date indicated (see print on the package). Don’t thaw out the content of the “positive control DNA” for more than two times. If necessary, make suitable aliquots. Before use: Spin tubes briefly before opening (contents may become dispersed during shipment).
Assay Principle
The MutaGEL Lactase PCR Assay is an amplification refractionary mutation system (ARMS) containing two sets of primers for allele-specific sequences within the lactase gene. The sequence-specific primers can be used directly for PCR with extracted DNA. The resulting amplification products are subsequently identified with gelelectrophoretic methods. If there is no specific allele-product detectable, the correct PCR procedure is proved by an internal control. The present genotype of unknown samples is interpreted by detection of corresponding DNA-amplificates for wildtype- and mutation-constellation in two separate lanes of the gel (method by Dr. Essrich, Biologisches Labor, Denzlingen).
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