Human Ki67 ELISA Kit
The Human Ki67 ELISA Kit is For Research Use Only
Size: 1×96 wells
Sensitivity: <1pg/ml
Standard Range: 7.8pg/ml-500pg/ml
Incubation Time: 2 hours 40 minutes
Sample Type: Cell culture supernates, serum and plasma (heparin, EDTA, citrate)
Sample Size: 100 µl
Alternative Names: Proliferation-related Ki-67 antigen, MKI67, KIA
Assay Principle
The Human MKI67 Pre-Coated ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) kit is a solid phase immunoassay specially designed to measure Human MKI67 with a 96-well strip plate that is pre-coated with antibody specific for MKI67. The detection antibody is a biotinylated antibody specific for MKI67. The capture antibody is A monoclonal antibody from mouse, the detection antibody is a biotinylated detection polyclonal antibody from goat. The kit contains recombinant Human MKI67 with immunogen: . The kit is analytically validated with ready to use reagents. To measure Human MKI67, add standards and samples to the wells, then add the biotinylated detection antibody. Wash the wells with PBS or TBS buffer, and add Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase Complex (ABC-HRP). Wash away the unbounded ABC-HRP with PBS or TBS buffer and add TMB. TMB is substrate to HRP and will be catalyzed to produce a blue color product, which changes into yellow after adding acidic stop solution. The density of the yellow product is linearly proportional to Human MKI67 in the sample. Read the density of the yellow product in each well using a plate reader, and benchmark the sample wells’ readings against the standard curve to determine the concentration of Human MKI67 in the sample.
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